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I hate having to want to fart when I'm with people, (particularly my clients!) I always hope that it'll just sneak out quietly with no sound and un-noticed? No way! Mine always squeak! Uuug, so embarrassing, so sometimes if the need to let one go gets bad, I just go to the Ladies' quickly to do a short pee while another woman is peeing so I can let my wind out, so that's why some of these pee recordings have a farting sound in them.
I know by your mail that you've heard me passing wind on some of my pee recordings and you said you liked it/them, so instead of having them edited out, I've asked for them to be kept in.
Also, I get so full of pee and yet I'm enjoying the hold so much that I go and let the pressure off a bit and so there's some of those quick pees on here too where I just do a little drain, or if I'm in a hurry, like I've said, "I just want to blow my nose", I do a full power quick gush.
Those of you who've read my other pages know that I get quite drunk after my meetings and when I am, the simplest thing like pressing record on my phone becomes such a difficult task, but somehow I manage it, BUT what I've got to do now as well is hold it between my legs and then pee, skillfully missing my phone AND without it dropping down the bathroom toilet, (oh nooo!) ha ha yes, but I've been OK so far.
But then when I'm drunk, I can't seem to hold the phone properly and sometimes it ends up being turned off and that's the annoying part! The result being that only the beginnings of some real classic, bladder busting pee sounds are recorded, so I'll leave the rest of those recordings of my pee to your imagination, sorry.
When I'm sober (and completely sensible) and just before I meet one of my associates, I dart into the ladies' bathroom where all the other women pee and empty out my lovely big bladder so I know I have room for full capacity, this is because I love the thrill of it filling, I do, I adore it. So there's some of my 'draining off' recordings on here too.
In my regular bar I'm allowed to use the staff bathroom if there's a woman peeing in the bar toilet.
You'll have to forgive some of my bad phone postitioning when I'm pissed, sometimes it's too close to my vagina and pee stream and the sound distorts a bit if I power up or I squirt and oh yeh, sometimes I'm already sat down and peeing and I'm waving the phone in the air like a silly woman. But even when I'm peeed, there's always some kind of recording of my sexy peeing for you to wank (or tut-tut) over and I think it all adds to the sounds of realistic, naughty fun!
This is only a short sample of the actual recording
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By the way, thank you so much for all your kind words (and the not so kind) on my feedback page. I get all of my site pages retyped from my texts and put on the web by Cascade -thank you Steve! You can read all about me, Victoria and you can see a looky likey picture of me on my ' about me' page.
Hi, it's me! I'm having a clear out of my failures - my inability to pee properly!!
My phone has loads of my peeing on it, peeing that for one reason or another doesn't make the grade, I'm quite hard on myself, I like quality.
There's a whole load of this 'junk' - and I don't want to thrown them all away. For example: ones that are too quiet, (Cascade will put all these in a zip file for me/us) there's my peeing that's too short where I thought that I'd got a load!
The microphone on my phone is very sensitive and it picks up my tummy gurgling (I hate that). Also, in my early days there was distortion where I held the microphone too close to my vagina. Oh yeah and when I record my pee at home, like an idiot I sometimes leave my bathroom window open, such a stupid girl I am - so there's traffic noises over a classic bit of peeing! Doh!
There's also an attack of the squits (which was totally unexpected). I get very disappointed when my bladder and I don't make the spec we're aiming for, like if I'm so looking forward to doing a power pee and I haven't been drinking the right stuff and my bladder won't cooperate, I can't power for toffee. Also when my pee won't hiss, why? and when I run out of pee just a few seconds short of my goal dammit.
Also my experiments which are too numerous to mention, but if you've read my pages and you've bought my stuff, you'll know what I mean. But my pee stream has a mind of its own, my biggest problem is when I power up for a gush and it just turns into a spray like a watering can and goes simply everywhere!
So there you are my faithful pee fans, you'll get this free pee set when you buy anything from my site, I think it's sensible to give things to those who appreciate my 'work' than throw it away and it's gone forever, don't you? If you've been one of my happy wanky customers and you want to recieve one, write to me,
I will acknowledge you xx V