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Long gushing free peeing sounds mp3, exciting sexy pee by Victoria. Buy her 2 minute urgent powerful pee recorded when she was shit faced!

My website has all my latest news on my peeing sounds mp3 volume AND my peeing fails!

I love peeing for my sexual pleasure, I love my big bladder & when I pee, I am peeing for my pleasure and yours Hi pee fans, my name is Victoria, and my friends tell me that I look a lot like Angelina Jolee: so I hope that gives you a rough idea of what I look like?
Firstly, please forgive me for remaining 'anon', but I have a good job, I'm in the public eye frequently, and I'd be absolutely devastated if my love of my peeing for pleasure ever got out to my family and friends. I would probably lose my boyfriend / future husband as well.

It's my pleasure to offer you my beautiful erotic peeing sounds on mp3. These are my own personal pissing recordings, my unique sounds of a woman peeing, I pee for your pleasure as well as mine and I've put these audio sounds out for you to download and enjoy, at any time. I hope you like them as much as I've loved recording all my different peeing sounds in mp3 format especially for you.

So, a bit about me: I'm English, I'm in my early thirties, I'm quite tall, I have dark hair and a really neat, trim figure.
I'm nearly always in jeans, or shorts, they show off my long legs and I love the way some men stare at me! They stand there, staring and I'm sure they all undress me in their fantasies! I guess I'm a bit of a shy exhibitionist?
Men say that when I have my really tight jeans on, that I have a lovely shapely, sexy bum! I've been complimented on it's shapely curves many times.
Peeing for pleasure includes a really painful and uncomfortable bladder, I store it ll up and I've been absolutely desperate to pee, it hurts but, I've had a very enjoyable erotic pee time too, I love making all these sexy peeing sounds for you.
My poor bladder has really been working overtime, I probably abuse it, but I like it so much, but sometimes I have to give it a bit of a rest for a day and just pee normally so it can recover! My urethra gets sore too.

My pleasure is that you will hear my peeing, then more of my peeing and then, even MORE of my peeing!

I record my peeing sounds on my smartphone in various bathrooms on different toilets, some are in my favourite karaoke bar where I get a bit drunk! I would say that these recordings are the best ones where my bladder gets soooo full. I honestly love my beautiful big bladder with a passion and when you hear it in action, you will love it too and you'll treasure the sound of my long, fast and loud peeing too!
I've put all my lovely peeing sounds on mp3 in different sections for you, so you can look through my honest descriptions to help you choose which section that you want to buy and download. The cost of all my half hour recordngs is just 3 GBP pounds by Pay Pal or credit card and the recording length is as stated, but my peeing downloads are always at least a half an hour long, you will hear just my peeing, more of my peeing and even more of my peeing! PLUS, you now you get an extra peeing sound file called my Victoria fails! Those are all my peeing recordings that haven't made the grade, they haven't been what I was aiming for - < forgive the intended pun!
I hope you'll forgive me farting, I really, really try not to, but the bathroom is the proper place to do it! I'm sure my peeing for pleasure will arouse your penis and I'm absolutely certain that I'll make you spurt your cum and if you like the erotic sound of a woman pissing, you'll cum quickly, just because you're loving my lovely peeing sounds and to be honest, it's that thought that really gets me off!
You may have heard some, or even all of my free pee samples on each of my pissy pages? They're comparitively short, (only twenty seconds or so), but you can hear that when I'm peeing, you can tell by the unique sounds that I'm definately a woman!
My longest pee available on my site now is nearly three minutes. Fucking hell! My bladder was so painful, God, I was ABSOLUTELY bursting, I was DESPERATE to pee - I really don't know how on earth I held it all in, but I held it in and I peed it out - for my pleasure and yours! I have some out-takes as well, in fact and you get all my peeing out-takes free with your purchase, there's 48 out takes that run for 46 minutes and they're FREE! I'll be including those with your purchase as a wanky bonus for you.

I'm recording some special peeing sounds at home, it's a new download section going to be called XLegs (crossed legs peeing sounds) because I'm doing a whole half-hour download (maybe even more) of me trying to pee with my legs crossed, a sort of battle with my bladder if you like.
Why I'm doing this at home is because I have to take my jeans & pants off because I can't get my legs crossed and record my pee with them on and sometimes it's not convenient in a bar, so . . . .
here I am at home, alone, with a lovely fat bladder, sat in the bathroom on the toilet, relaxing my bladder muscles and letting my pee go and preparing to try and block the piss from coming out by crossing my legs and squashing my urethra. OK, the pee starts, I'm battling with it, my bladder is trying to push the pee out and I'm not winning and I'm recording, the battle sounds good and then! 'peep peep' - an important message from my company comes through on my phone, I could read it while battling with my bladder and it was mega urgent - it needed a response, but I still had loads of pee to finish, I hadn't even started properly, I felt robbed!

So I thought to either speed it up and ruin it (all that piss wasted) or to stop it. I had to reply straight away, but trouble was that I was enjoying this pee sooooo much, but hey, I decided to stop it and I did, I stopped it dead, I was just 15 seconds into a monster of a challenging piss AND I was in mid flow AND at maximum pressure! You listen to it, there's no drips of piss after I cut, just a clean cut of the pee stream and then . . . . complete silence! Now how's that for piss brakes? Pissing away, then half a second later, zilch, nada, stopped!

I'm currently doing my pissing with crossed legs, it's when I'm trying to stop peeing by squeezing my thighs together, it's brilliant but it really makes my eyes water! I love different ways of pissing.
Well, today I went Xmas shopping (you gotta make a start sometime) and I went prepared to do a cross leggedy piss in a department store. Currently my daytime drink to make pee is orange cordial, so I filled up my water bottle with my cordial concoction and off I went.
I had about three hours until my next appointment at the bar, so I had loads of time to fill my bladder while having the distraction of shopping. My appointment at the bar is at seven and I was bursting to go by five, so I decided to keep sipping and wait until six, then I'd pee and record and vamos. I had a good feeling about this pee, it felt like it wanted to do battle!
Quarter to six I gave in, I found a bathroom with a lovely clean toilet cubicle with a lock that worked and I was on my own in there. So, I slipped one leg out of my jeans and pants, I sat on the toilet, crossed my legs tight and put my phone on record, slipped it down between my thigh and the seat rim and relaxed my tensed up bladder muscle. Immediately I could feel a few drips escaping, so clenched tightly to stem it, (it's this bit that makes my eyes water!) but it was really fighting back, god this was so exciting for me (I'm a sad case aren't I?).
I was really enjoying this until about thirty seconds in and guess what? My phone started ringing!! FFS!!!
My recording would contain the ring tone, the customer's voice, my voice, our discussion - you get the drift - so I had to abort, tilt over to one side so the pee would be silent and answer the call while answering a call - get it? I was so annoyed, a lovely pee gone to waste, all that holding it back all afternoon and no prize at the end, mega fail, sorry guys x

If you've seen my COVID UPDATE on my home page, you'll understand that I haven't been using my bladder to it's fullest extent - and what happens when you stop using a muscle? Yes, it gets weaker and that's not good, certainly not good for a super pisser like me anyhow.
Anyway, I was round at my Mum's today, seeing as I've got more time off work than most, she suggested a meet and a cup of tea (when Mum says that, she means a tea marathon!) So I thought it was a golden opportunity to try and hold my pee in my rusty bladder to test the volume, as it seems to have got much smaller in the 6 months I've not been using it properly.
Me and Mum are great together, we just never shut up and before I knew it we'd guzzled our first mug of PG, I was almost getting excited! Silly girl I am, but it was great to have the delicious feeling of my blladder filling up and I knew I was going to hold it, I needed to prove to myself that I could still hold a mean pee!
I had another mug of pee gee and managed to hold it for an hour (I know, I know) but it was a start! I went up to the loo, I didn't have a bulge, but it really felt hard and that's horny for me. I didn't lock the toilet door, I just closed it and I got my phone out ready to record. I always hold my phone near to my pussy with my legs open and then I let go and wait for the pee to come out. It was flowing really nicely and I forced a nice big gush, I was so pleased.
I was looking down at my pee stream, (I love to watch it coming out) when I heard the toilet door latch, wow, within a millisecond - and I kid you not! I changed my lavatorial seating position and my phone, to sit as if I was sending a message! How cute am I!
Mum wanted to know what I fancied to eat, so (like we always do) she just opened the toilet door and strolled in. She said I looked surprised! Honestly, I've never catered for an event like that, having always locked the door, but this time . . . .
Neadless to say the recording was ruined and when I peed next I didn't bother to record as I didn't want her coming in with another question, or something she'd forgotten to say and couldn't wait 'til I got downstairs!
I'll update on my bladder's progress and there may be some progress sounds for you if you're good boys. V x

Hi from me, Victoria, your secret, super pissing, bladder fun girl.
I have a new pee sound file for you, I've been working on it since Xmas.
This really is a fun pee, it's one of your suggestions and it's me trying to pee with my legs crossed (I'm hooked on this peeing method now by the way, thank you S.T.) and even though I've finished the recordings, I still have to do it because it's a special kind of delicious pain, it's my fun piss fix at the moment!
The crossed legs style of peeing sound was suggested to me by one of you who wrote to me on my my email.
The pain where my pee has built up isn't unusual, I like it, but peeing normally I'd force the first few seconds out so I can sit and enjoy the rest of peeing out my bladderful, but, with me leaving the pee to try and find it's own way out through my urethra which is squeezed together tightly by my crossed legs, the pain starts off really bad when I first release my bladder muscle, mainly because my legs are crossed tight and my pee can't get through, there's no easy exit and that's the bit that I really enjoy, as the pee stream struggles and forces it's way through to freedom, it really makes my eyes water, it's deliciously, painfully, brilliant!
You can read more descriptions, hear a sample and if you like it, you can buy this eye watering download for 3GBP here.

Now, if you want to read more about this unusual female erotic piss artist (me!) just click on this link: Victoria's super peeing sound mp3 audio sounds page I'll see you there!

Victoria's  e-mail:

You can go on my my mailing list?  to know about any of my new peeing for pleasure sounds and I promise that, if you don't invade my privacy, I definitely won't invade yours xx
By the way, I have just started a new and very exciting job and I may be on my company's promotional films!! Be pleased for me xx V

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FREE-Distended Bladder Story V1-Long Peeing V9-Sexy Mixed Peeing
FREE-My Desperation Story V2-Stop Start Pee V10-Pissing Contest
FREE-About Me 1 V3-Power Pissing V11-Legs Crossed Pee
FREE-About Me 2 V4-Pee Shy Hushed Pee V12-Natural Flow
FREE-Home Page/Twitter V5-Hissing Pissing My Bladder Bulge
Customer Feedback V7-Drunk Distended Search Me
FREE-Desperate to Pee Story V8-Short Pissing My Voyer Forum Link
Site Map Cascade Home My Pee Fans Page

LOTS OF FREE PEE! (48 out-takes lasting 46 minutes)

Hi, it's me! I'm having a clear out of my failures - my inability to pee properly!!
My phone has loads of my peeing on it, peeing that for one reason or another doesn't make the grade, I'm quite hard on myself, I like quality.
There's a whole load of this 'junk' - and I don't want to thrown them all away. For example: ones that are too quiet, (Cascade will put all these in a zip file for me/us) there's my peeing that's too short where I thought that I'd got a load!
The microphone on my phone is very sensitive and it picks up my tummy gurgling (I hate that). Also, in my early days there was distortion where I held the microphone too close to my vagina. Oh yeah and when I record my pee at home, like an idiot I sometimes leave my bathroom window open, such a stupid girl I am - so there's traffic noises over a classic bit of peeing! Doh!
There's also an attack of the squits (which was totally unexpected). I get very disappointed when my bladder and I don't make the spec we're aiming for, like if I'm so looking forward to doing a power pee and I haven't been drinking the right stuff and my bladder won't cooperate, I can't power for toffee. Also when my pee won't hiss, why? and when I run out of pee just a few seconds short of my goal dammit.
Also my experiments which are too numerous to mention, but if you've read my pages and you've bought my stuff, you'll know what I mean. But my pee stream has a mind of its own, my biggest problem is when I power up for a gush and it just turns into a spray like a watering can and goes simply everywhere!
So there you are my faithful pee fans, you'll get this free pee set when you buy anything from my site, I think it's sensible to give things to those who appreciate my 'work' than throw it away and it's gone forever, don't you? If you've been one of my happy wanky customers and you want to recieve one, write to me, I will acknowledge you xx V

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