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Pissing Girlies Cascade Pee Stories. Knicker Wetting.

Retro Pissing Girlies Cascade Knicker Wetting e-Magazine, peeing letters, panties wetting pictures, piss drinking, pee games, panties wetting. Issues from '98.

All Cascade's peeing & panties wetting e-magazines to download are £3.00 and saved in .pdf format and are made to view in Adobe Acrobat 9 

cascade peeing and panties wetting magazine

cascade mag from march 1998 old retro watersports mags

1998 March e-Magazine in .pdf (42 Pages)

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Some good male & female pants wetting pictures

A young female student fills in as a post girl and has to learn to control her bladder - the hard way! An old guy praises Cascade for helping him realise he's not on his own with his pissy fantasies. Potty Parity - loo equality in the USA. Victoria Wood describes how her & Julie Walters used to have to pee in beer glasses. Some interesting Wet Tele. Some good male & female pants wetting pictures. The Road Protest, a story about a gang of girls that get together to wave their placards, but they are in the middle of nowhere with no toilets. 'Watersports in the News' a reproduced page from Patches Place peeing website with pee related news plus the 'U' Spot! A peeing story from 'Mayfair' magazine about a girl who wets her knickers in a car and then realises the driver's turned on. A recollection from a subscriber of how a couple of ladies peed through the wooden slats on a public bench. A desperate New Year's Eve peeing story. A peeing story from a fella telling Cascade readers what he got for Xmas!! An in-depth study of women's toilet habits, frequency of peeing and volumes of pee passed. An interesting e-mail from Wendy who's developed a huge bladder and loves holding her wee. A male subscriber tries an elastic band on his willy as an experiment. A couple relay their distance peeing games. Another very informative 'Urine Therapy' cutting from The Guardian. A girl pees over a 5 bar gate for a bet. Bonnie Tyler gets drunk and pees herself on stage. A hint of would be peeing scenes on Coronation Street.

90s retro cascade magazines june 1998

1998 June e-Magazine in .pdf (42 Pages)

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Praise for Cascade's content and caring attitude

A regular Cascade couple (Brian & Bridget) try the art of power peeing. Another regular Cascade couple (Kevvy & Becky) round up a lot of interesting watersports news and add their personal views. Some nice panties wetting pictures with wetting drawings and the Cascade Contacts. A builder's bucket becomes an emergency loo for a female victim of a traffic jam. A rock climbing story where a couple have to pee and she wets her jeans while half-way up a mountain! A reader tells us of a couple of references to peeing with Monty Python. A woman subscriber wants to do outrageous peeing but can't muster up the courage! She also tells us of some of her peeing games and tricks. A mature subscriber goes back to his younger days when his mother dressed him in a kilt and school-girl's knickers which he used to pee - and still does! Praise for Cascade's content and caring attitude. A lucky front row sighting of a peeing woman in a field. Cutting from 'The Mirror' about people peeing in unusual places. A girlie having a sneaky pee gets illuminated mid-stream by a security light! A female subscriber quotes some of the toilet terminology people use for having a pee. Some pissy comments between girls and an armchair pee sighting. A salutation to Kate Winslet for her confession of peeing her Edwardian costume during the filming of 'Titanic'. A German 'Beer Garden' story about beery women peeing floods (from Thomas' Water Resources) One little 'Pia' cartoon. A full pee filled description of a male visiting a prostitute for pee sex. A Norwegian subscriber tells us about how he got interested in watersports at a very early age. A romantic pee seduction story written in old script - unusual. Alf gives X-Streams videos a big pat on the back with his recommendations. A realistic pub pee drinking story. A confession from 'Mac Pisser' - a Scotsman who enjoys a rubber mackintosh pee wet session with his pissy male friend. A typical peeing day for a Cascade subscriber. Another mature reader takes us through his pee filled youth and his teens with the panties wetting stories he remembers most. Another peeing story from Nicola Steele, the small bladdered teacher who can't hold her wee. 'Watersports in the News' from Patches Place internet site with loads of film & wet tele famous names peeing stuff. Three different girls place Internet postings about how they pee. A lot of peeing stuff in this Cascade!

dec 1998 retro knickerwetting magazine from the 90s

1998 Dec. e-Magazine in .pdf (42 Pages)

Download to your PC or Smartphone @ £3.00
(Or Your Currency Equivalent)

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Buy Download Dec '98 @ £3 (or your currency equivalent)
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The Front Page of December's e-Cascade Reads:

"This issue of Cascade has been edited to conform to our Solicitors' instructions & guidance. Cascade apologises for the temporary inconvenience to its many subscribers & loyal readers. This is still an Adult magazine, READ your Cascade WITH CAUTION!!"

This Cascade e-magazine was toned down on solicitor's advice pending (yet another!) Crown Court Persecution.

This is why there was no Cascade in September '98. We were almost back to normal for the March '99 Issue.
But after ANOTHER dawn raid in July '98 and confiscation of nearly everything that wasn't nailed down in our 4 bedroom house! We later found out that Cascade was being prosecuted for the images displayed on their website and in the magazine. Inside this issue it puts our argument across and gives subscribers the current up-date. It also contains one of the many subscriber's gobsmacked reactions we received. There are no wet-sex pictures in this Christmas edition, but there are the usual peeing and panties wetting stories and Cascade contacts making it an interesting & historic read!
Preface gives a more detailed explanation and the publisher's intentions etc. A contribution saying how much he would like to make an older female wet her pants. A fella leaves Cascade around for his wife to read and then finds himself entering a new world of 'together' peeing. A couple go public peeing in Amsterdam. A letter from a woman who is interested in peeing but not sure what to do next and asks for ideas. A 'Carry on Cascade' letter. A man loves to drink all his wife's pee, a fully detailed pee drinking story. A male subscriber un-expectedly finds himself sharing a urinal and peeing with a woman in Amsterdam. A contribution pointing out that a urination fascination is not only for humans, it can be compared with different species of animals too. A letter from a guy who is 50 and goes back to when he was only 3 and his first memory of thousands where he's fascinated with female pee. Alan & Jackie, a couple of musicians get it together by accident and find that they both adore seeing each other pee. A true story about a couple who studied photography at college back in '63 and took up cycling, only to find they both had this 'hidden' interest and ended up swopping photography for peeing games. A pissy quote from Goldie Hawn about laughing so hard and peeing in her tutu on stage! A book review on Greek mythology, 'Undina - a Celebration of the Passive Female' by Naiad. Quote: Naiad, we are told, was the name of the fairest of all the undines, the shy and gentle, passionate and incontinent female water sprites of classic Greek mythology. A late starting male in his 40s discovers the joys of pee drinking. A subscriber's wife takes delivery of a load of drink and to his surprise, she has a dominant peeing game in mind, to his sheer delight! Cascade Contacts for September & December. A letter from a fella who gives his point of view on the police raid and tells his story of when he was a boy peeing in his swimming trunks.

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