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Cascade Peeing eMagazine. Retro 90s Panties Wetting Stories
Cascade Back Issues from 2001

Retro Cascade 90s Peeing Stories e-Magazine . . .

All Cascade's peeing & panties wetting e-magazines to download are £3.00 and saved in .pdf format and are made to view in Adobe Acrobat 9 

cascade peeing and panties wetting e-magazine

2001 cascade panties wetting e-mag old back issues in .pdf format

2001 March e-Magazine in .pdf (42 Pages)

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Roy is fascinated with his wife Tina's peeing hole and explains what pissy things they do.

BBC program 'A Girl Like You' shows women peeing on the toilet! A subscriber hears an Aroma therapist saying there is a 'trigger' on the ball of the foot that makes the bladder empty! Rachael Stevens uses the Gents' at a Madonna concert. Customs seize a book in '77 of 'amorous' 18th century paintings by Thomas Rowlandson as pornographic! Suggestions & praise for Cascade Peeing Magazines. Interesting wet sex magazines and video info. Good peeing pictures & drawings. Annabelle Chong pees in the toilet on Channel 4. A mature subscriber tells of his lone peeing games and some of his wetting youth. P. Kritick's watersports websites and video revues. An appeal for a female recording voice proves fruitless. A female subscriber recalls how she did a 'party pee' at her office party. London's Westminster council consider female 'Whizz' public urinals. Some pissy poetry and peeing jokes. 'Full Monty' book by Wendy Holden - an extract about the urinal scene. Wet Tele: The Graham Norton amuses his audience by showing pictures of girls 'taken short' and Anneka Rice shows how a lady pees through a letter box and tells of an amusing incident on 'Treasure Hunt'! Do you pee more when stressed or nervous? More wet funnies including a toilet finder on the Internet! Wet Tele in the US with a pissy bit about Julia Roberts and a pissy bit on Jerry Springer's show. A transgender person 'Julia' tells us about his visits to the Ladies' rooms hearing the conversations and the women peeing. A bit of info about future Video Urinals and which film you're going to watch while you pee! Advice & comparisons on pee drinking.

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june 2001 back issue of cascade panties wetting magazine

2001 June e-Magazine in .pdf (42 Pages)

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Kate Beckinsale peeing into a Hollywood director's coffee.

Cascade subscribers are told the end is nigh! Comments on peeing by Shirley Manson (of Garbage) Geri Haliwell and the invention of a peeing power meter. A mature Cascade subscriber recalls some peeing bits from his on-stage days and some pee related work experiences. A Cascade subscriber's new girlfriend loves peeing for him. Terry Christian pees in the Ladies'. The non-existent peeing facilities at televised outdoor sports. Kate Beckinsale pees in a Hollywood director's coffee. Night time peeing in the park. A cross dresser explains in detail all about his clothes wetting antics. A couple with badly bursting bladders have to find alternative peeing arrangements on a train. Pee is good for cuts and sores. E-mail advice on how to remain anonymous while 'talking' pissy on the Internet. A desperate to pee Billy Piper finds somewhere to pee. Some interesting comments on a previous 'RAF Dinner' letter. The first part of an interesting 3 part series called, 'Desperation Through the Ages' starting with the Egyptians. More peeing bits on the Graham Norton show. Some good women squatting pictures in this one. Beer Vs Pee ratios article. Valerie Singleton busts up with fellow Blue Peter presenter John Noaks over filming her peeing. A couple of subscriber's panties wetting sightings. More advice on pee drinking. Compensation for a prisoner who had to wet himself. A subscriber witnesses a drunk girl peeing her knickers. Another happy Cascader writes in with his pee antics with his willing wifey. Story about Bethany the exhibitionist going peeing.

retro cascade peeing magazine list

september issue of old 90s watersports e-magazine from cascade

2001 Sept. e-Magazine in .pdf (42 Pages)

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An analysis of Ladies' loos and the women that use them.

Preface states why the Cascade peeing magazine has to end. A subscriber meets a Cambodian girl who had a unique way of peeing in public. Nicola Steele with her small bladder peeing stories having to end up using a Gents' toilet! Pt 2 of 'Desperation Through the Ages' covering the 18th & 19th centuries. A cutting from 'The Guardian' about girls, clubs, peeing and portable toilets for Saturday nights! An analysis of Ladies' loos and the women that use them. The history of the Bourdalou or Coach Pot. A contribution explaining what a male Cascader likes about sex & women peeing. The 'Anti Capitalist' demo in London produces some captive sightings of women peeing. Mrs Elsie Woods goes light ale drinking & her bladder bursting at the birthday party. A couple of letters from long standing subscribers look back at ten years of Cascade and list their favourite bits. A line of famous people including Jean Paul Gautier & Stella McCartney have to go for an urgent pee in a 'Little Chef'. Another subscriber goes back over the Cascade years with his favourite bits and tells of his sadistic school days in a peeing contribution. A professionally written letter studying urology and the male & female urinary systems. P. Kritick's watersports web sites review. A letter from a nurse called Fiona who enjoys holding her pee so much and still tries for more!

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cascade mag from dec 2001 in .pdf format for download

2001 Dec. e-Magazine in .pdf (42 Pages)

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The final issue of Cascade Peeing e-Magazine - the preface says a sad goodbye.

The final issue of Cascade Peeing e-Magazine - the preface says a sad goodbye. The author of the Mrs Woods stories tells us of his own panties wetting sessions. Description of a good peeing scene in a mainstream movie. Another Cascade plumber antic, a loo unblocking for a couple of glamorous girls bursting to pee. Some 'Pee Quickies' including a man who put out a car fire by peeing on it! The story of Mandy, a girl who likes to hold a peeing cock. The last 4 short peeing stories from Nicola Steele, the small bladdered teacher. A short snip of a US Pee TV scene. A subscriber looks back at his Cascade memories. The concluding part of 'Desperation Through the Ages' - the Victorians up to modern day. In praise of 'professional' peeing ladies to quench the thirst of single fellas. Some US Pee TV and a pee voyeur sightings of women peeing. Alf's final bit on his views of the Cascade magazine and his last (very informative) listing of makers, suppliers and titles of good watersports videos. One of the many 'fake' female contributions Cascade receives and how they are detected. A bit more analysis on the human body's natural functions. A subscriber has a nice surprise in the office toilets while he's peeing. Brian & Bridget suggest an alternative to Cascade - Sex Bizzare. The last two contributions in the last Cascade, a subscriber sums up his interesting and detailed peeing past and a male pants wetter tells us all about his peeing addiction.

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