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Cascade Pissing Magazine '97. Interesting Panties Wetting Storys

Cascade 90s Adult Pissing & Knicker Wetting Magazine . . .

Cascade Pissing Magazine. 90s panties wetting letters, wet pantys & piss stories. Stories of women pissing, Jane Horrocks pees on stage, Ulrika Shooting Stars!!


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cascade panties wetting watersports magazine march 1997

1997 March Magazine (43 Pages)

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march 97 cascade knicker wetting magazine

A write up about Chuck Berry and his pissing voyeur court case.

This Cascade Magazine back issue features an extract from a Molly Parkin book called 'Love All' which features an incident of how two girls discovered pissing together is naughty - but fun! A subscriber recalls his vivid school day memories when he thinks he must have started taking an interest in women pissing. A football fan sees some females in the Gents at the ground and witnesses a wetting. Two interesting and detailed replies to a woman's letter in Dec '96 about pissing pleasure & pain. A write up about Chuck Berry and his pissing voyeur court case. A detailed report of women pissing in a shared toilet at the Alicante fiesta. An amusing Memo from the EC reminding about pissing volumes in the correct Ero'peein' format. Blue Peter's Katy Hill gets caught short on camera!! An interesting letter from a woman explaining what it's like for a woman to piss outdoors. A male subscriber's 'true' fantasy - it sounds so real! Some pissing poetry and peeing cartoons. A Cascade Magazine subscriber's pissing observations in Europe & the UK. A married couple tell us of their watersports sex games in full detail. A comment from France on one of Picasso's pissing paintings. A true comment by Mary Whitehouse when asked about golden showers!! Some watersports content in mainstream books, novels, magazines and the press. An extract from a pleasures of pissing letter in an extinct magazine called Questa. A long pissingly interesting article called 'From Wilma's Point of View' Some watery tele & wet news bits.

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retro cascade from 90s panties pissing magazine june 1997

1997 June Magazine (43 Pages)

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june 1997 cascade wet fetish mag

Lynsey Dawn McKenzie and Mel B caught peeing!

Some reports on wet Tele including Jenny Eclaire who now joins the Cascade 'Pissing Celebrities Panties Wetters'. More from this Cascade Magazine back issue: Male & female bladder sizes fact by Professor Hall from 'The Guardian'. The 4! watersports web sites in '97!! The pissing page numbers in Nancy Friday's novels. Interesting 4 page fact based study called the 'Sexual Connection' - an association between urination, sex & animals. Shooting Stars Ulrika Jonson pissing sexy video revue. A couple have some piss fun on their way back home from a night out. A bit about Jane Horrocks purposefully wetting her panties on stage in 'Macbeth'. A 3 page study of the pissing habits of the Middle Eastern, American and European girls. Lots of Wet Tele & pissing scenes in films on general release. Some pissing instructions for girls who want to do it standing up. Gilly Goolden pees herself on a plane. Lynsey Dawn McKenzie and Mel B caught pissing! Wet Set magazine featured on UK television. A mature ATS woman tells us about panties wetting from her teens and in the war years. A man comes to a lady's aid who in gross distress trying to find a place to piss in the woods. A transcript of a pissing article found in a French magazine called Correspondence in Times. How to join the Cascade Liter Club. An American marathon runner gets disqualified for stopping for a piss.

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retro cascade pissing magazine september 97

1997 Sept. Magazine (43 Pages)

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buy casade sept 1997 pissinng magazine

Where to get the un-cut Shooting Stars video

This Cascade pissing Magazine back issue features: A Preface dedicated to the Cascade postal problem - the thieving postie in the Peterborough sorting office. A repair man witnesses a delivery girl's desperate panties wetting. A subscriber looks back to his watersports initiation when he was 13. A female subscriber recalls some of her panties wetting 'accidents'. At what age do you stop holding on? Some pissing jokes. Hypnosis & pissing - possible or impossible? Encouragement for women who piss standing. Some pointers and research on bladder sizes. A pissing story from Nicola the small bladdered teacher. The Rugby Club dinner, a fantasy piss story by Tina. Some pissing humour cartoons and another story from teacher Nicola. A letter from a lady into watersports who has such a choice of partners! A sighting of a boat full of girls who need to piss! Where to get the un-cut Shooting Stars video. More scenes of pissing in mainstream films. Some of Cascade Magazine's interesting e-mails. An invite to a Piss Party from a liberated couple. Another unique story about Mrs Woods, the lady who's Lavatory Shy. A flow by flow account of a solo male pants wetter. Some humorous piss related observations. B & W movies star Fatty Arbuckle ruptures a girl's bladder. A couple, how they met and how they gradually got into pissing..

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december 97 back issue of old cascade watersports magazine

1997 Dec. Magazine (43 Pages)

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dec 97 cascade wetting magazine

2 pages of a pissing confession from Denise Van Outen

This Cascade Magazine Back Issue features: An up-date of the thieving Peterborough postie and Cascade's attempt at a remedy. A fisherman gets a surprise piss sighting and it's not a mermaid! In praise of the Cascade Mag and the pissing story tapes - yes tapes, in those days it was cassette tapes! The return of the Adult phone lines. Two panties wetting contributions from a student girl called Emma, one where she likes the group so much she pisses herself dancing and another where she pisses herself in the driveway. A really good story where two old friends get together and fall in love and they fall into pissing too! 6 girls get trapped in a SuperLoo. Steep fines to come for anyone performing public pissing. A full frontal piss sighting on a German motorway. 2 pages of a pissing confession from Denise Van Outen. Piss themed jokes and some good wet panties pictures. Overfilling one's older bladder, some tips on do's & don'ts. Frances gets drunk at the Rugby match and tries so hard to hold her piss but fails. A Cascade subscriber recalls his beautiful wife wetting herself 3 times - each time truly accidentally. Another Cascade subscriber's account of the holiday pissing in Goa, India. Reading about Jane Horrocks pissing on stage triggers a woman to confess her interest in pissing and wetting herself. A Cascade Magazine subscriber overhears some girly pissing confessions and writes his account of piss sightings confessions, press cuttings and Wet Tele. The top 17 female celebrity panties wetters. More of Cascade Magazine's interesting e-mails.

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