This is our Watersports for Women peeing messages menu. We need
to have a list of peeing messages now as we get more and more interesting pee fun
e-mails and we'd like to make finding them a bit easier for you.
Please write in with your bladder capacities or your holding on experiments, or
even your reactions to our pages etc.
Your e-mails are safe, there's no lists and an 'anon' name is fine if you want.
Just be (pee) happy!
Below is an index of pee fun messages written into us:
W4W YOUR Contribution!
Letter on Piss Holding from Mary-Ann - she loves to hold her pee 'til her
bladder bursts!
Sarah - from a female Jet Pilot - holding on to her pee at 20,000
A Catheter - an answer to Penis Envy? - a peeing squirting tube
Another Penis Envy Letter - this time from your
female Ed.!
Train & stretch your bladder - I did it! - another peey tip from your
female Ed.!
Dawn - about a pee holding on game - this beats Monopoly!
Leanne experimenting with a friend, Amy - peeing & bladder holding contests
Anne - she thought she was a superpeeer . . . - until she read our pee pages!
Anita loves holding on to it - bladder holding
& wetting yourself is such erotic fun!
Clair 1 - her reaction to the holding on competition on 'The Priory' - she tries it herself!
Clair 2 - her theory on women's big bladders - interesting reading.
Heather's Huge Bladder - I bet everybody wishes she had a bladder like this!
Lyly - she enjoys wetting herself - panties wetting accidents.
Olive - she has a penis envy - I need a penis so I can squirt my pee!
April - she peees so hard she orgasms! - a powerful pee stream
Fi's Enormous Bladder - this is a bladder and a half - a champion peeer!
Fi tries for a 4 pint bladder!! - Fi is going to go off bang!