In the 90s, Cascade was a popular, self generated, quarterly, mono A5 size 'wet piss fun' magazine. A 90s' publication that contained articles and stories along the lines of panties wetting and women (mostly) bursting to pee. It's still interesting reading
, it was
an 'all in one' magazine that was difficult (or maybe impossible) to find elsewhere. There was nothing crude or blatantly offensive, it was just a specialist panties wetting magazine made up from contributions from its subscribers.
Full of readers' erotic wetting stories, women's peeing letters, cascade watersports contacts, bladder holding experiences, wet confessions, wetting pictures, pee sightings etc. and as you'd expect, there's a lot of stories and features on panties wetting and bursting to go. Retro Cascade is not pornographic (sorry, no Sex Biz. look-alike here) - it was edited and produced by people who had/have an understanding of Adult watersports, they, the editors, carefully balanced Cascade to appeal to male and female wetting enthusiasts. There is a smaller
sample magazine
available so you can have a quick looksee: the Retro Cascade Sample Mag. is only a mere 28 pages, but it does give you an insight as to what to expect. You can pick one up on our
special offer
and 'buy on line' right now.