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Adult Pissing Stories Free From Cascade. PC Virus. Adult Piss.

A Woman PC Anilyst gets her revenge on a boss by giving him a virus - By John Martin

The young woman answered the phone, "Janice Turner?" The female voice at the other end of the line spoke. "Oh, Miss Turner, it's Emsoft here. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you, Mr Hannay has asked me to call you straight away to tell you that we are unable to offer you the Systems Analyst position. Hello? Miss Turner?"

Janice was in the process of destroying a paper clip. "Yes" she said, "I'm still here. Well, thank you for letting me know so quickly." And with that she hung up. Damn. Not that she was surprised at the news, nor that he didn't have the guts to tell her himself. There were only four candidates at the interviews yesterday and she happened to know (it's a small world) that she was head and shoulders above the rest. She almost knew that she didn't get it because she had the wrong genitalia between her legs. There were still a lot of sexist bastards out there, even in Software Design.

Richard Hannay was pretty typical. A tall, thin, gaunt man in his early forties, he didn't have much time for women. His secretary was good at making coffee and keeping his schedule in order, but being a woman, that was about all she was capable of. He was the junior partner in Emsoft, a small software design house and Stephen Rutherford, the senior partner, usually left staff appointments to him.

As the morning wore on, Janice's frustration was beginning to turn to anger. How the hell can people like that get away with it? Her mood wasn't helping her thrush either. She always found that the itching got worse when she was stressed out. She surreptitiously slipped a finger under her panties and scratched. It didn't really help. She'd have to get more some pessaries. This was not turning out to be one of her better days.

She resolved to do something about the job, and picked up the phone and rang back. "Emsoft? Hello, it's Janice Turner here again. Look, I was wondering if I could speak to Mr Hannay. I would really appreciate a few moments of his time. I was wondering if he could let me know why I wasn't offered the appointment? I'd be very grateful." Janice bit her lip. She hated to grovel and that's just what it was sounding like. To a man, as well. "Well. . .I'm afraid he's not available at the moment, Miss Turner." Janice persisted, "Well perhaps I could make an appointment to see him, maybe this afternoon? It will only take ten minutes of his time." There was a pause. "Well, he is a busy man, Miss Turner, but shall we say 2:15pm? He has a meeting at 2:30 though, so it will have to be brief." Janice smiled. Ten minutes would be quite long enough.

She put the phone down and reached into her desk drawer and withdrew her box of blank floppy disks. She was something of an expert in computer viruses and she intended to prove just how much they needed her talents. After all, she had nothing to lose! She reached into her panties again and had another scratch: the familiar burning sensation was beginning now too.

"Mr Hannay will see you now, Miss Turner." His secretary ushered Janice into the junior partner's office and gestured for her to be seated. She sat down and gazed across the desk at the man; he didn't even look up from his desktop PC to acknowledge she was there. He continued to tap at the keyboard and spoke without looking up, "Oh, thank you Christine and could I have another jug of coffee and an extra cup for, er. . .". He looked up at Janice. "Er. . .Miss Turnbull isn't it?" Janice corrected him and the secretary left.

Finally he moved the keyboard to one side and clasped his hands together as he leaned forward on the desk. He was greying and was wearing small gold-rimmed spectacles half-way down his nose. It made him look quite distinguished, but also faintly ridiculous. He peered over them. "Now then, Miss Turner, I understand you are not very happy that I didn't offer you the job here." Janice winced. "Well, not quite Mr Hannay. I realise that you should offer the job to whomever you believe is best for the position. No, I was just wondering why I didn't do so well. Whether you had any tips on how I might improve my technique next time I go for an interview. That sort of thing."

Richard Hannay relaxed a little. "Oh, I see. Well, we did make notes of our impressions on all four candidates. I can't see any harm in giving you the gist of what they say. Hmm". Richard Hannay scratched his nose and pushed his spectacles up. This had never happened before, he was in unfamiliar territory. He thought it might be best to have a word with Stephen to see what he thought. Christine, his secretary tapped at the door, and came in with a fresh pot of coffee and a cup and saucer. She put it on the tray next to the other cup and took the other pot away. "Look, I'll tell you what Miss Turner, you stay here and help yourself to coffee. And I'll just have a few words with my colleague. If all is well I'll put something down on paper for you. I may be five or ten minutes though. Is that fine with you?"

Janice couldn't believe her luck. Her special floppy disk was in her bag. All she'd need was 60 seconds at his keyboard, and three days later all SORTS of nasty things would start happening to his files. Only she would be able to stop it! She nodded vigorously. "Oh yes, Mr Hannay, that sex sounds fine. And thank you again. I really appreciate this.". He stood up, picked up his personal organiser and moved towards the door. Then he stopped. A thought occurred to him. He turned back and took a small key out of his pocket, and locked his desk drawer. His desk was paperless (all his work was on his PC). He then moved the mouse, clicked it a couple of times and when "RESTART OR SHUT DOWN" appeared on the screen, he switched the computer off. "I'll try not to be too long" he said, before leaving the room.

Damn and blast, thought Janice. He had switched it off. Janice waited a few seconds just in case he returned. She stood up and went across to the other side of desk and switched it back on. The usual messages appeared before the one she was dreading appeared. "ENTER SYSTEM PASSWORD:". This time she swore out loud. Even with her skills, she knew there was no way she could get past this. She could try a few passwords, but the system would probably record her attempts and so they'd know she'd been up to something. It wasn't worth the risk.

Reluctantly, she switched the machine off. Probably just as well; with hindsight it probably wouldn't have been a smart thing to do. She poured herself some coffee and took a sip. She had nothing against the company, she just wanted to get revenge on this sexist bastard, Richard bloody Hannay. She became aware that she was scratching her pussy again, through her skirt. The burning feeling was quite bad now. She wasn't desperate for the loo, but a quick squirt usually helped alleviate the symptoms. He'd only been gone a minute and she hoped he wouldn't be much longer.

She found herself staring at his half-drunk cup of coffee on the tray. Suddenly a wicked idea flashed into her mind. She giggled. But immediately put it out of her mind. She couldn't possibly do that. But somehow a voice in her head said "why the hell not?"

Before she really knew what she was doing, she had hoisted up her skirt, pulled her panties to one side and was positioning his cup under her generous pussy. She tried to pee, but three of four drops of a creamy white discharge dropped into the cup instead. Then a spurt, which stopped immediately. Miraculously the burning feeling had almost disappeared. 'God' she thought, 'What have I just done?' She put the cup back on the tray, pulled her panties back into place and pulled her skirt down into position. She was blushing. What if someone had come in? But no-one had! She looked into his cup. The gluey, creamy stuff was still floating in a lump. She took a teaspoon and stirred vigorously. It dissolved and looked like any other half-drunk cup of white coffee.

She sat down and tried to regain her composure; she was also feeling pretty sexy at the moment. Peeing in the guy's coffee had felt good!

A few minutes later, Richard Hannay returned. He handed her an envelope and said he hoped she'd find that useful. She nodded, thanked him and he escorted her out of the room. She wasn't really too concerned somehow at what was in the envelope any more. She decided it was probably better not to have gone ahead with the PC virus idea. All in all, she felt it hadn't worked out too badly. She was feeling better, mentally at least. She left the building, crossed the street and went into the drugstore to buy some pessaries for her thrush.

Two days later she eventually got round to reading the single sheet of A4. To her surprise, it was actually quite constructive. Other people had remarked on her over-confidence, bordering occasionally on arrogance. Because she expected to get the job this must've come over as arrogance. She was beginning to feel a little guilty! Until she remembered that she was still the best candidate for the job (in her humble opinion) and should have got it anyway. But she thought it was only courteous to ring Emsoft, just to thank them for seeing her again.

She picked up the phone, and asked the Receptionist for Richard Hannay. "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr Hannay isn't in today." "Oh," said Janice, "Well when will he be next in?" "Well, to be honest we're not sure. He's ill you see. Very unusual, Mr Hannay hasn't had a day on the sick for years. Apparently it's some sort of throat infection. They say he can't speak a word. Came on very suddenly yesterday. The doctor's had to put him on anti-biot....". "Yes, yes" said Janice, interrupting the Receptionist's verbal diarrhoea, "I see. Well is there anyone else I could speak to?" "Well, I think Mr Rutherford's line is free, just trying it for you."

Janice was simultaneously embarrassed, guilty, triumphant and incredibly aroused for some reason. All this as a result of peeing in his coffee. Wow. She was just about to hang up (she was getting very hot!), when a voice on the phone spoke to her.

"Ah, Miss Turner, Stephen Rutherford here. I'm very glad you rang, I was on the point of ringing you myself, actually. My colleague is indisposed at present, so I've been dealing with his affairs. I've just been looking through the Systems Analyst interview file and - well - it seems to me that my colleague may have made a mistake. From what I can see here, you really should have been appointed. Is there any chance you can come in so that we can take this further, Miss Turner?"

Janice could hardly believe her luck. Why hadn't she thought of it before? If all else fails, cut out the middle-man. She hung up and let out a yelp of joy. It's funny how things turn out, she thought. It looks like I'm going to be offered a highly paid job just because I pissed in someone's coffee and only I know about it. She was rubbing her pussy now. The thrush had virtually disappeared, but this time another type of secretion was making her underwear moist! She was breathing heavily now and as she was alone, decided things had to be attended to down there. It just couldn't wait. As she got closer, closer to orgasm she started to giggle. It suddenly occurred to her that she had been successful. She didn't use the floppy disk, but STILL managed to pass on a virus. Or should that be "piss" on a virus?

"Aaayyeeeeoooo!" she cried at the top of her voice. A fierce orgasm ripped through her body as her abdomen pulsated, bucking up into the air and falling down. She lay back exhausted. She had a huge grin from ear to ear, from pleasure and satisfaction. This was turning out to be a much better day.
- The End -

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